2018 Review - RAW Aviation Consulting
This time of year tends to focus thought on the how previous year has gone, the progress made and challenges that lie ahead. RAW Aviation...

Multi-Fidelity Whole Conceptual Aircraft Analysis
This following is based largely on the abstract from my DIPART 2018 Presentation delivered a the CFMS, Bristol 27th Nov 2018 The...

RAWAvCon - Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft
Image: NASA/Boeing I have extended RAWAvCon's capability to include analysis of Blended or Hybrid Wing Body aircraft configuration. The...

Conference Papers: RAeS Future of Aerodynamics Conference - July 2018
I shall be attending the RAeS Future of Aerodynamics conference in Bristol in July 2018. The full programme is available here: RAes...

Take-Off Performance Model
I have spent the last 4-6 weeks working through the complexity of adding a high-fidelity take-off performance forecasting capability to...

Hybrid-Electric Aircraft: 101
Hybrid-Electric Aircraft are receiving extensive attention at the moment and are viewed by many as the next great thing to reduce...

Hybrid-Electric Aircraft In-Flight Battery Charging: Where does the energy come from?
In some Hybrid-Electric aircraft studies, an energy recovery system is included to recharge the battery and further improve the overall...

Propulsion and Mission Performance Modelling (including Hybrid Electric)
New Aircraft Models This week’s aircraft modelling has focussed on the aircraft with recent or imminent entry into service (737 MAX and...

RAWAvCon Aerodynamic and Mass methods
This note outlines new aircraft models created in the last two weeks and an overview of the RAWAvCon aerodynamic and weight methods....

RAWAvCon Methods Overview and new Aircraft Models
This blog outlines new aircraft models created in the last week and an overview of the RAWAvCon modelling approach. Aerodynamic, weight,...