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Whole Aircraft Design, So What ... ? (WADSoW) V0.2.1 - Open Beta


WADSoW focusses on the conceptual design and very early preliminary design phases of transport aircraft. Its coverage extends from large jets down to small turboprops and focuses on understanding aircraft design rather than running complicated computer programs. It also includes the necessary information and knowledge to explore gas turbine, battery-electric and teh various hybrid-electric propulsion systems.


Its industrial approach is based on a 30-year career working in the aerospace industry, research organisations, academia and built on a rare blend of understanding on the airframe and propulsion system.


The industry element involves conventional and advanced (electric and hydrogen) aircraft design, aircraft performance, design and commerical suppport of propulsion projects (liaising with airframe companies) and commercial activities including suppporting the sales and guarantee process for OEM and airlines)


The eBook describes aircraft architecture  and provides a process and many methods to rapidly analyse (a 'straight face' test) new aircraft concepts , upgrades and variants. It also describes the various major aircraft components much greater detail and methods to produce higher-fidelity models (not CFD or FE though). 


The design approach is target driven, introducing technology and design optimisation to meet commercial targets and focuses on how to balance the disparate aircraft Top Level Aircraft Requirements (TLARs).


Many of the mass methods are new, based on the author's collection of (public) detailed aircraft weight data. It is the most comprehensive collection of data in any public aircraft design book and covers aircraft types including many of those in serivce in 2024. 


The aerodynamic methods are also calibrated by public data from the same public sources, but remain straightforward to use.


Who will benefit from buying this book? Anyone needing to better understand of transport aircraft conceptual and early preliminary design.  It should greatly benefit

  • under- and post-graduate Aerospace Engineering students with a Group Design or individual research projects involving transport aircraft design
  • those employed in transport aircraft industry at OEMs, the supply train, possibly even those in airlines 
  • anyone wishing to learn or better understand why transport aircraft look like they do.


WADSoW V0.2 reains an 'open beta' release but it is a fully functional book that will be improved in subsequent updates. Paying customers will receive free updates of the eBook up to V1.x - upgrades will include the results of continuing work/improvements, reader feedback and any new data and market developments.


V0.2 changes

i) Increased coverage of Battery-Electric and Hydrogen propulsion systems

ii) Initial Design Scoping exampes for various conventional and less-convetional concepts

iii) Data cleanup - checking and correction of data points

iv) Text cleanup - hundreds (possibly thousands) of minor text changes (adding or removing incorrect commas and hyphens, or minor corrections/improvements to the text.  


Planned Release Schedule:  V0.3 31st Oct 2024, V1.0 Oct 1st 2025. Others releases possible, as necessary.  


Whole Aircraft Design, So What ...? V0.2.1 eBook - Aircraft Design Textboo

  • Transport Aircraft Design eTextbook - released 13th June 2024 

    This book is the result of about 5 years of work, squeezed around other consultancy activities with airlines, corporate flight departments, other large consulting firms, research organisations, and OEMs.

    It builds on over 30 years career in aircraft performance, design and operation and involvement with many industrial projects.

    The production of the book is very much an independent undertaking. It is self-published, sold on the author's company website with review performed by a couple of highly capable and experienced engineers (one an subject specialist, the other with an interest in the subject and a desire to know more).

    The book provides the necessary information to complete most whole aircraft design tasks. It is a beta release so will be modified over time to eliminate grammatical and content errors or emissions.

    Feedback (both positive and negative) is most welcome if delivered constructively.

    The most efficient route involves customers 'marking up' their copies of the secure PDF with comments and sharing this 'mark-up' file with the author.

    Contributers considered (by the author) as providing sufficient feedback to enhance subsequent versions of the book will be recognised in a 'Kudos' page in those releases.

© 2024 by RAW Aviation Consulting Ltd.

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