2018 Review - RAW Aviation Consulting
This time of year tends to focus thought on the how previous year has gone, the progress made and challenges that lie ahead.
RAW Aviation Consulting Ltd has now existed for just over 18 months. Working for myself, I have not missed the annual round of objective setting (flowed down from on high), the year's rough and tumble followed by a year end period of trying link up my achievements of the year with the objectives set 12 months previously.
However, 'old habits die hard' so I still set myself a number of objectives although they now tend to be longer term and extend well beyond 'office hours'. I have shared the progress against some of these below.
Top Level Objective: Enjoy life! Over last 18 months, it feels like I have worked more intensely than I ever have done before. BUT, it has also been a lot of fun. Winning business based purely on your own skills, reputation, ability, etc with customers putting trust in my ability to deliver is a pretty special feeling.
Despite the intensity of the work, the freedom to largely tailor my time in terms of days worked (including week-ends) or which times of day to get it done has meant the time I have taken off has generally been highly rewarding to me and, hopefully, to my family.

I have also pursued my 'Thinking Hour' lunchtime policy where each day, where possible I routinely get outside to walk or bike for at least an hour. It has been great for problem solving, creative thinking and priority setting. I am currently closing on my objective to reach over 1500 mountain biking miles and 300 walking miles in the calendar year (not all have been in the 'Thinking Hour').
General Business Objectives: 2018
i) Stay in Business
I am delighted that this has been achieved to this point and very much hope that this will be continued through 2019 and beyond.
A contract with Rolls-Royce to extend their capability to rapidly model less conventional aircraft and propulsion concepts has been a foundation for 2018. It has been great to catch up with many old friends and colleagues and meet some new ones.
Contracts with returning customers easyJet and Derwent Aviation Consulting have been very pleasing. The year's new customers have also been extremely welcome and I very much hope they become returning customers next year.

ii) Develop RAWAvCon Capability
I have invested substantial time creating the RAWAvCon aircraft design and performance suite. This capability is now largely complete for conventional aircraft and I have used it to model much of the current Airbus fleet (including A220), the Boeing fleet (including Embraer EJets). I have also just modelled what I think Boeing might achieve with the NMA aircraft.
RAWAvCon's capabilities have also been extended to model some less conventional airframe and propulsion concepts, e.g. hybrid electric propulsion and a hybrid wing-body aircraft.
The RAWAvCon Network Fuel Calculator has also been developed to assess the competitive position between multiple aircraft with common mission assumptions.
RAWAvCon has been used with 2 customers during 2018, one new and one returning.
iii) Keep pushing the network
I have attended 4 conferences this year spreading the word on my capabilities and opinions. These were:
i) RAeS Aerodynamics of the Future - Bristol (Speaker for 2 papers)
ii) PaceDays - Berlin
iii) RAeS 'Greener by Design' conference - London (Speaker as well as helping to organise)
iv) DIPART 2018 - Bristol (Speaker)
I have also tried to push debate on a number of issues using this Blog series and LinkedIn.
I attended the Farnborough Airshow on both a trade and a public day as well as both of Cranfield University's Group Design presentations and a number of RAeS lectures.
iv) Put Something Back
When I started my business, I was also keen to 'put something back' given the numerous crucial 'leg-ups' and 'helping hands' that certain wonderful people have provided throughout my education and career. Consequently, during 2018 I became a parent governor at my village school and recently volunteered as a 'Civilian Instructor' at a local Air Cadet squadron.
v) Contribute to United Kingdom Exports
I have been active on this objective and am very hopeful that there will more to tell on this subject in the coming months after a few near misses.
vi) Keep Learning
The whole period has been an education on all aspects of running a business. I have also substantially expanded my own Excel and coding ability (I thought I was pretty good to start with) as well as widening my understanding into smaller aircraft.
i) Keep Going - all of the above

ii) RAWAvCon
- Extended model coverage to include non-Airbus & Boeing types, business jets plus some older aircraft.
- Extend the capability to include turboprop and helicopter modelling and maybe even some Urban Air Mobility platforms.
- Use RAWAvCon to analyse transport aircraft market developments for inclusion in a series of discussion papers that will made available to purchase.
- PUSH IT - to gain new customers
iii) Maybe start writing an Aircraft Design text book (it would good to finish it too) - dependent getting some quiet time between all of the other tasks. The intent is to provide a focus more aligned to the industrial approach to the task.
Finally, Merry Christmas to one and all, especially my customers.